Monday, May 11, 2009

Benefit from thrum Cashew Degus

As a new superior varieties, cashew degus water has not been much developed. While cashew degus taste sweet, rough, and the endurance of his life higher. Can even developed in the pot. Eugenia aquea burm is a plant which came from Indochina and Indonesia, which then spread to Malaysia and the islands in the Pacific. Nan sweet fresh fruit to grow and be in this ideal in low to medium. In addition, the fruit do not have this with some varieties, such as cashew camplong water that many developed in Madura, cashew dharsono water (some call dersana), cashew and water glass (Kediri). While cashew water degus is the "brother" who is now developed in Pasuruan. Cashew degus water that has the form of fruit such as bell chubby this is one type of fruit that can grow in various climates and soil types. In fact, can grow in an environment that is quite heavy in which other plants are not able to survive. In addition, as a superior variety, the cashew crimson nigrescence this easy adaptability, easy developed, responsive to the maintenance-intensive, and the taste sweet, fresh, and more coarse. However, the cashew has a 89.4% water contents, the actual sugar 9.0% -9.2%, and the actual vitamin C is 1.99 mg, still used as a fresh fruit to be consumed directly. In addition, jambu air degus far can only be found in Pasuruan. "In fact, cashew water degus are in some other areas, in addition to Pasuruan. However, the intensive developed not in accordance with the technical standard. Therefore, the Government through the City of Pasuruan Department of Agriculture, Agriculture, Forestry and the initiative developed plant this seed with the use of quality or labeled, "said Harry Tjahjono, Head of Sub Office of Food Crops and Horticulture Department of Agriculture, Agriculture, Forestry and the City of Pasuruan, East Java . Just enough information, the Central City Master Horticulture Pasuruan cashew seeds provide degus with the water price to Rp10 thousand / stem. What's more, Harry proceed, in principle, plants can be planted in any of the factors to consider, among other agroklimat or suitability of the climate, the altitude (4-400 m above sea level), type of soil (fertile and friable), the availability of burly elements (vitamin-vitamin contents in the soil, red.), and other facilities and infrastructure. For more information about this, please see box 1 and 2. This year, Harry added, has been performed sowing seeds of cashew water degus as the stem 1000 is distributed to some districts in Pasuruan, but not evenly. "Therefore, it is planned later in 2007 will be planting 3,000 seedlings in the area of Pasuruan," he said. Why is this done in Pasuruan? "We want to introduce to the public water cashew Pasuruan that degus can dikembangbiakkan both in area and in the gardens in a pot with the same good results, business potential spur increased production and provide business opportunities, in addition to improving nutrition and income of farmers and the community. Not only that, the development of cashew to the front of the water degus also useful as a superior product in the field of horticulture, as well as support the development of an integrated agro, "augment him. Furthermore, Harry continue, the purpose and objectives of the development of cashew in Pasuruan degus water that is to developed centers horticultural commodity type of fruit that will later become a superior product, utilizing both the land mapun the non-productive land that has become the potential to provide business opportunities in efforts to increase the knowledge, skills, and income of farmers and communities, to realize the medium-term program Department of Agriculture, Agriculture, Forestry and the City of Pasuruan region has an integrated agro. Well, congratulations raise! directly in yards, red.). Developed model suitable tabulapot applied in urban areas with dense population, so that is not available a wide area. While tabulakar suitable land area is done on a broad and open. Cashew water degus who planted a la tabulakar tend to grow faster and bigger, because the availability of elements in soil burly than the model tabulapot. In addition, the amount of fruit that also appear in more than tabulakar with tabulapot, though regularly done . To raise in the pot: -- Prepare the pot with an appropriate plant growth degus sized fruit diameter 40-60 cm. Then, create a hole in the bottom of the pot. -- In the basic pot, place the fraction taburi or frayed, brick or other materials that easily absorb water. -- Enter the form of a mixture of planting media soil, manure or compost, and rice bran with a comparison of each one part. Can also use other media in accordance with the needs of plant growth and easily obtained in the regions concerned. Enter the media to plant in the pot as high . . -- Make a small hole media seed. Discard polibag or basket benihnya with caution, in order not to damage the land that is brought at once to avoid stressing the seed after the seed is planted in a pot. Then, install a marker (a bamboo planting location, red.) As a buffer of plants, with a rope. -- each day with water secukupnya until the plants grow and beradapatasi in the pot. Raise directly in the ground (or moor yards): * Make the planting hole with the size 60x60x60 cm. Separate each half on the ground with the bottom, during the digging planting holes. * Let the planting hole is open for 2-3 weeks to remove the presence of toxic gas, seeds of disease in the land, plant or other organism gadfly who are half the land down to the first position in the planting hole at the bottom. So, campuri over half the land with manure or compost as the top of the soil. Also added NPK fertilizer. Next, return half to the top of the soil in the planting hole and let menggunung. Sirami with water and leave for 3-5 days for the inorganic fertilizer as base fertilizer to be dissolved in tanah.lam land. * Restore half of the land down to the first position in the planting hole at the bottom. So, over half the land with manure or compost as the top of the soil. Also added NPK fertilizer. Next, return half to the top of the soil in the planting hole and let . with water and leave for 3-5 days for the inorganic fertilizer as base fertilizer to be dissolved in the soil. * A day before planting, make a small hole seukuran seed cashew water on the mound degus extractive land. * Remove polibag careful not to damage the media and prevent stagnation of land which the seedling will be planted. * Enter a seed into a hole with the depth of the root of the neck, and padatkan slowly. * Once the seed is planted, and sirami marker pairs on the plants and bundle the software with the strap. * Sirami every day until the plants grow and adapt in the new land . Which should be prepared Things that need to be prepared for developed namely cashew water degus - Define the area - Media planting - Tools and materials: 1. hoe 2. sickle 3. rope 4. hand sprayer (spray equipment for pest plants, red.) 5. organic fertilizer 6. inorganic fertilizer 7. pesticides 8. scissors hairdresser

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