Thursday, May 14, 2009

Child Maintenance Guidelines Short Dogs

Health Care
Veterinary check-up
Check to the doctor regularly should start when your puppy was 8 weeks and continued during the period of his life. Come regularly is also important for vaccinations and advice needed
You can also check your puppy on a regular basis at home with the carefully check ears, eyes, mouth, skin and feather, claw and nail. If you find something that is not normal, cek doctor immediately.
Deteksi disease If you see any signs like that below, talk to your veterinarian immediately: worms like spaghetti / noodles and / or diarrhea less appetite less enthusiastic, or behavior that is not usually excessive thirst sudden loss of body weight vomiting continuously breath does not regularly red or watery eyes nose watery fur is not good or bald bald change the color or condition of the skin difficult to wake up or move lice stick to the skin Desexing If you do not want the follow-culture or expose your dog, you and your dog may be better if he was in neurter or Spay. Male or female, this operation does not require routine more than one night stay at the clinic. Age is good for desexing is generally 6 months.
Desexing prevent the birth of a child who does not want a dog, help mengurangin problem behavior and also can reduce certain diseases such as mammary tumor and uterine disease.

Dental treatment Plaque and tartar is often the cause dental disease and can cause other problems if the bacteria enter the bloodstream, which may be harmful in the organ.
There are 3 steps to good dental care:
Dentistry: Check your dog's teeth to the veterinarian every 6-12 months for cleaning and coral shine (polish) the teeth if necessary. Food: food is appropriate - can help clean up and reduce the formation of tartar Toothbrush routine: Keep your dog's teeth cleaning with a tooth brush 2-3 times per week. If you have never brush your dog's teeth: Hold the head with your dog carefully when you check the teeth . If it is mutiny, stop and try again the next day After he had to feel comfortable and mouth checked, start using toothbrushes. Use a toothpaste formulated specifically for dogs. Slowly brush teeth, brush teeth angle so that you can scour around . If he does not like , try using a tooth brush with water only for a few days. After graham gloss finish, and moved to the front of the toothbrush . Always follow the order so he knows what to expect next time.
If your dog continue to refuse to rubbed teeth, try dililitkan use gauze to your finger. You can get the gauze from the doctor. Never use toothpaste for people - not frothy dog toothpaste and is designed to be swallowed, and usually with a taste seafood, chicken or Malt.
Tip: signs of dental disease: mouth odor, scaly yellow pile on the teeth, gum bleeding or swelling or difficulty eating. Bring to a doctor if you find signs of this. Make the first (first aid kit) Keep some of these items if necessary and remember if in doubt phone or take it to the doctor! : Thermometer to take temperatures. Normal dog temperature around 37.9-39.9 C, an average of 38.9 C Scissors with a blunt edge to cut the hair dressing and bandage. Cotton to clean the wound, eye and ear Sterile gauze to conceal or injury Iodine (iodine) to disinfect the wound. Roller / roller bandage Tongs to lift the dirt serpihan Emergency phone number your veterinarian

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