Sunday, May 10, 2009

Guava extract can treat dengue fever

Guava leaf turns a dark variety of nutritious components to overcome the disease dengue fever dengue (DBD). Groups tanin and flavonoid compound as quersetin in the guava leaf extract can prevent reverse trancriptase enzyme activity, which means preventing the growth berinti virus RNA. Therefore the results of research done by the Board of Supervisors Food and medicine (POM) in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, which since 2003 examines the guava leaf extract for the treatment DBD. At the initial stage of research began with a test preklinik. Research results were presented by Head of POM Drs Sampurno MBA in Jakarta, Wednesday (10 / 3). Research ideas come from the POM, and they appoint Dr Drs Suprapto Ma'at MS. pharmacist of Pathology to examine FK Unair guava leaves. As known, DBD is a disease caused by dengue virus with the number of death and pain that is high enough. To this DBD treatment are suportif, namely the loss of liquid plasma permeability due to increased capillary blood vessel. At the first stage of the research conducted in preklinik FK Unair using animal models of oral mencit with guava leaf extract can lower terbukti blood vessel permeability. In the study reported that guava leaf extract can evidently increase the number of cells hemopoetik especially megakriosit on the preparation and bone marrow culture mencit. In the test security (toksisitas) guava leaf extract substances including the toksik not practical. Resistor dengue virus Guava leaf contains the various components. Regarding the test was conducted invitro guava leaf extract in the extract which is proven to prevent the growth of dengue virus. Soon after the research is expected to further guava leaf extract can be used as an anti-drug dengue virus. Has also conducted a test early open label study in several hospitals in East Java (RS RS Petrokimia Jombang and Gresik) in the DBD of adults and children. "Results of research to share Jombang RS 30 in the form of capsule and syrup 30, and 20 RS Petrokimia Gresik capsule and syrup 20. There is a volunteer would like to try, "said Suprapto. Results of research shows that the guava leaf extract can accelerate the increase in the number of trombosit without the side effects, which means, for example, constipation. This open label study still need to proceed with clinical testing to prove the property with the evidence-based stronger. Observation that is being done in this research is the influence of extract of guava leaves sekresi against GM-CSF and IL-11 to know the mechanism at work trombopoiesis. Also on the activity and complement system sekresi TNF-Alpha olehmonosit mechanism in conjunction with a decrease in blood vessel permeability. In 2004 testing will be done in the clinic RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya / FK Unair, which will be led by Prof. Dr. dr Sugeng Sugijanto DSA assisted dr Nasirudin with Dr M Ugrasena for patients DBD children and Prof. dr Edy Soewandojo SpPD for adult patients DBD. Badan POM in the near future will also conduct intensive studies with the experts to support the current administration like this. Sampurno optimistic because guava leaf of raw material is very easy and simple process technology.

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