Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Child Maintenance Guidelines Short Dogs

Exercise behavior
Tip: Start the training session when your dog hungry - the attention will be focused on giving you the makananya. Train your dog to sit or "sit" Latihlah with your puppy 3-5 times a day. When attention began to disappear, stop and try again later. Start with the rope work in the home or environment that is free from interference.
Phase 1: Say the name of your puppy to get attention and hold the food / snack in one hand and rope in the hands of other work. Posisikan your dog in such a way so that your dog standing in front of you and get your attention.
Phase 2: Say "Sit" or "Sit" one time, then slowly lift the hand holding the food to your dog on the head. With specific attention to that, he will naturally sit down and hold attention to your hands. When he sits in a position, he was praised and rewarded with the love of snack / food pantatnya time touching the floor. Puji hold him and love him rewards while still seated position, then "free" him with the word "okay" or "good" or "smart"
Tip: If your dog back to back and not sitting, start lataihan near the wall or hold it back so that the area he can not back to back.
Phase 3: During a few days, ulangin this process, and then try to use the same hand movement without you in the food. Praised and given food rewards in the bag with you as soon as he sat down. Gradually reduce the amount of food that you use as rewards instead use verbal praise. Long run, your dog will learn to respond to commands and you only want to be recommended, but the snack sometimes can help to reinforce good behavior and remain motivated. Teaching your dog to "remain / silent" in the place or "stay" Tip: Keep the training sessions "silent" is not long. Be patient and consistent Give rewards to your puppy with a snack, and praised him to do each properly.
Phase 1: Stand on the child before you give a dog the command "sit" and praised him.
Phase 2: ordered him to remain in the "stay" and give command stop sign, Align your hands with the palm facing your dog. This action made gentle and therefore will not frighten him. Then some of you to step back, and proximity, "release" him with the word "okay" or "good" and praised and rewarded with the love of snack foods. Stage 3: Repeat this process, and gradually add time and distance countdown menjauhinya and you always give rewards to remain silent. If he moves out of place, place where he was placed back and actually go back to phase 2 Stage 4: The objective is to maintain attention and to remain silent even if there is interference. Try to give the command "stay" and you move to the left and then to the right. If he starts away, calling his name to get attention again. Every time he turned to you, give praise and give him the reward. Stage 5: Gradually add distance and to vary your movement speed. For example, the jump crookback ago and if he does not move from the place and gave him pujia rewards. This teaches a dog to remain silent on the command regardless of any kind that you do. By following each stage in this stand and slowly, surely you should be able to teach your dog to remain silent during the 2 - 3 minutes. Sit and stay are the two most basic and most useful. Combine this command to the routine day-to-day to reinforce the meaning. For example, ordered to sit down for food, or ask him to remain silent in place when guests come. Remember to always give rewards for good behavior if the situation is more difficult or interference than usual. Teach your dog to come to you about. One of the most important command you can teach your dog is the "here / here" "come", came to the time you called. You will find tasks generally become easier to install, such as rope work, to check the ears and teeth, or grooming or medication.
Tip To get the best results, make sure your puppy is given a gift that is very liked by your child's dog - such as food, snack, street or applause affection. Your puppy will soon come to know about you that is something that is best in the world. During the initial phase of training, do not call your dog to come unless you are sure he will respond to you. For example, if you want your dog into the house but he was disturbed by a cat or other animal on the page, he hampiri and take in into, rather than call - if not, he will regard he can ignore the "here / here" ( come). Keep the "here / here" with the good. Most common mistake is the owner of the carpet or punish a dog because their dog does not come quickly. If you need a dog about the time for you, be patient and do not marahi him - give him lots of praise or snack food to strengthen the establishment of a positive behavior

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